
Hello and thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to post comments into the comments section of my blog, or email me direct here

I read every comment that drops into my box, and will do my very best to reply on the day, or as soon after it's been received.

heather x


  1. Hi

    Are you just starting your blog up? Thanks for the burger love and the feedback about a recipe folder. Do you mean a tab???? I do have a recipe page for both dinner meals and baking ideas. It's in my sidebar. I have just re titled it to make it easier to see that it is for recipes.

    Thanks again I love constructive getting feedback.

    1. Hey Carolyn. I can't believe you're visiting my humble-blog-to-be! Delays are just me trying to figure out how to load all the feeds and buttons into the sidebarfor Pin, FB, etc., and get my head around the whole blog-speak thingy. Dorky, huh? ;-)

      I'll tootle over to your blog in a minute for another look-see. Ciao for now. heather x


I'm so please you stopped by and commented. I love hearing your views and I do respond to them all. Hx